Location: Shawnee, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Jackson Letters

For the first post, I thought I would republish the Jackson Letters that were so popular after he was born:

January 30, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

After completing my first week in this world, I thought I my share my experiences with you and keep you abreast of all that has happened. Besides, my parents suggested that it might be a good way of staying in touch with some of you who live so far away.

Life began for me at 10:16 a.m. at Shawnee Mission Medical Center in Shawnee, Kansas. As you might well imagine, I did not take too well to the whole birth experience at first. In fact, I found it quite aggravating. Mom and I were doing just fine all-things-considered, but alas I was not consulted on the decision. Be all that as it may, I am here nonetheless, and after a long discussion with Dad, I have decided to rescind my commitment to a life-long vendetta against Dr. Cederlind. Dad has assured me that he took excellent care of mother throughout the experience. Therefore, I suppose I can let things be.

Mom, Dad and I spent the first 4 days of my life in the hospital. Busy place that hospital. Rare was the hour that went by that we did not have somebody come in the room for something. My physical check-ups were the worst. In fact, a few of those nurses can try that thermometer thing on them and see how they like it. Cute baby my behind (no pun intended, of course.). On several days, we had the opportunity to pray together and Mom and Dad took the Eucharist. Apparently, Jesus is as connected as the Angels said he would be.

We had our picture taken as a new family and they posted it on the Internet, whatever that is. ( Dad made Mom and I dress up in outfits that said Illinois on them. Dad told me that Illinois was the land that Grandparents come from. Later, when I found out what Grandparents were I was glad he did that.

Mom and Dad really enjoyed their stay at Shawnee Mission. They raved on and on about how helpful the staff was and how they needed for nothing. There was a Doctor or Nurse for everything. They did not seem to understand how unimpressed I was by this as I had it that good already before I got to the hospital. They really did like the place though, so good for them.

On Thursday, Dad had to go to graduate school. Mom says someday I will have to go school too. So we went without him for a while but were entertained by some friends of my parents that stopped by to meet me. Martha & Teann were really great; they gave me some clothes and some monogrammed burp cloths that Teann’s mother made. Apparently, Mom doesn’t like it when I get my shirts dirty.

On Friday, I was able to meet Grandma and Grandpa Arnold and Uncle Aaron. They had driven over from Illinois that day to meet me as well. Nothing like being young, and popular! It was really great to know that I came into this world with a family that loves me. Mommy tells me that I am very lucky.

On Saturday, Mom and Dad drove me to what I found out would be our house in Kansas City. Nice place all in all, but still not like the womb. I did enjoy the ride over; hopefully we can do that again. Grandma and Grandpa Arnold and Uncle Aaron were waiting for us at the house and we all spent the day together. I was able to spend lots of time with everyone and get to know them. Everyone wanted his or her picture taken with me. Popularity you know?

On Sunday, I got to meet Grandma Shank and Great Grandma Ehrhardt. They had driven over from Illinois to meet and say hello. I wonder how many Grandparents are in Illinois? But we took more pictures, I was given lots of gifts, and everyone but me ate cake and drank champagne. We took time out of our fun to watch the Super Bowl. Kind of a boring game this year they all said. I enjoyed it because it gave me lots of snuggle time with everyone. It also showed me that Grandpa and I share my two favorite interests: Eating and taking naps.

On Monday all the Arnolds and Great Grandma had to go back to Illinois, and Grandma Shank left on Wednesday. For the most part, the rest of my time has been spent getting Mom and Dad acclimated to my schedule. They’re a little slow but they’re catching on.

On Wednesday we did go visit my doctor’s office. I have to have a one-week weight check to make sure that I am eating enough. Like I give Mom and Dad a choice. I think all would agree I make myself perfectly clear when it is time to eat. But nonetheless I passed and am doing well. There was one moment of embarrassment though. When they were disrobing me to get on the scale, which they know I hate being disrobed, they caught me at a moment in which I was still in the process of using my diaper. Again, no one bothered to ask me. Needless to say I left my mark on the place.
Yours Truly,

Jackson S. Shank,

February 6, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Another week has passed by in my new and wonderful life, and I again take up the pen to correspond with you all.

A great thing has started to happen in my life already. I have discovered that my eyes have a purpose other than keeping me dazed and confused. This is turning out to be a rather beautiful world and I am amazed at all of the brilliant colors.

Be able to see better has improved my life in many ways. One in particular is that it allows me to keep closer watch on my parents. I have found this quite a necessity already with all they try and do to me. Especially Father, who can be a rather suspicious character, and needs monitored closely. For instance, Mother and I have developed the joyous habit of falling asleep together. A practice I rather like and was even able to do once with Grandpa as I mentioned in my last letter. Father, however, is continually picking me up out of Mom’s arms and putting me in that silly bassinet thing. Therefore, I have had to take to the habit of keeping watch for him out of the corner of one eye when this is going on. In fact, the other night I waited until he had walked me all the way over to that bassinet, and then I let him know just how stupid he was being.
Father has also developed another odd habit I find amusing to watch. He has some toy that he is rather fond of that has an eye of its own. And he like’s to have it look at me all the time. He talks to us both while he is doing this and sounds like a rambling idiot. I humor him though, and so does Mother from the looks of things. She tells me it’s a video camera, whatever that is, and he is recording memories? I don’t know what memories are either.

Better vision has also cleared up another mystery. In my earlier days I had a bit of a self-confidence issue with feeding. My father, I know, has high expectations for me. But I did have to explain to him that the gland-to-mouth size differential had to be approached from a much more realistic perspective. He may appreciate all Mother has to offer, but just couldn’t deal with it all at first. Now that I can kind of see what I am doing, things are running much smoother.
On a rather personal note, I have a question for everyone; what is the big deal about passing gas? Mom and Dad get all worked up when I just happen to be a little loud. I thought that was the point of putting those stupid diapers on me anyway? Dad says things like, “Son, you would be a medal round contender in the baby Olympics if there was such a thing.” Sometimes I just do not understand his metaphors. Well I have one of my own though I heard an Angel say once: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Mom and Dad.

Over the weekend, I discovered something else I do not appreciate very much: Bathing. Is this truly all that necessary? I mean what is the point? To put yourself (or may I stress be put) into a tub and rub water all over you. For what purpose: To catch cold? It is so…anti-snuggling, don’t you think? And of course I had to deal with camera thing of Father’s again starring at me the whole time. While I was naked even. Oh I just hated it.

On Monday, Dad had to return to work, whatever that is. Apparently, it is a place he can go hide during the daytime? So now I get to spend most of my days with Mom. I am trying to get her to spend all night with me as well, but she just doesn’t seem to take to it like I do? I wish I could get her to understand that I just like her to hold me all the time. I don’t think that is too much to ask. Dad likes to play with me when he comes home in the evenings. He does silly things with me that I don’t understand. Bounces me all over, moves my arms and legs, and makes silly noises. Oh well, what do you do?

On Wednesday, I went back to see Dr. Tyson. She held me for a while and she and Mommy talked about me. Apparently, I still need to eat more, and that I have grown one whole inch. Then she told Mom the dumbest thing I ever heard, that Mom and Dad just should let me cry sometimes when I’m fussy. How silly.
Yours Truly,

Jackson S. Shank,

February 13, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Would you believe that it has been 3 weeks already since I was born? I sure can’t, but its true. It seems like I have lived a whole lifetime already, but it has just been my lifetime.

Well, Mom, Dad and I are settling into to kind of a routine now. I get the feeling though, that is not a routine they are at all comfortable with. They just don’t have that “Take life as it happens” attitude that I have developed. They get all caught up in things I don’t quite understand yet like schedules, commitments, and time? But I am dragging them along nonetheless. Mommy is doing the best at keeping up with me. She and I usually spend several nights up together and then nap a lot during the day. About every fourth day, I like to catch up on my nocturnal sleeping, and that seems to keep Mom in the game okay.

My vision continues to improve. I’ve taken to spending some time each day exploring the house. Mother & Father have an apparent appreciation for black, which works out well, as that is one of the few colors I can see. Mom and Dad are wondering though when I am going to be able to differentiate a burp cloth from a shirt? It doesn’t bother me when I spit up on my clothes so what is the big deal? My parents are too vane anyway. They are always changing my clothes (which they know I hate), combing my hair (again – hate it!), and giving me baths (don’t even take me there!). Dad is always saying things like, “You have to look good for the ladies” and “There is no such thing as Baby Grunge.” Dad’s kind of odd, as you all probably know already.

My hearing is also improving. I have developed a keen skill in judging footsteps, and it comes in handy with my parents. They have a nasty habit of taking me to my crib and then trying to sneak away. I like playing with them though, I wait until they are completely downstairs and then I call them back up. It is so much fun, and they fall for it every time. Sometimes, when they come back up, I even fake being asleep so they will think things are fine and then I can do it again. Hee Hee!

This week has been a week of visitors. On Thursday night, the Hamlines brought over dinner for Mom and Dad and I took a wonderful nap in Lori Beth’s arms for several hours. On Saturday, the Hapkes came over for dinner with Mom and Dad and I got to meet Dad’s Godson Gabriel. Gabriel and I are both 3. I am three weeks old and he is 3 years old. He was very nice and followed us everywhere wanting to help. On Monday, Teanne Riley, a very nice friend of mine, came over and spent the afternoon with Mom and myself. I took a nap in her arms also. If I have not stressed the point enough, I just want to say that naps are what life is all about. I even got Dad into a long one Sunday on the couch.

Another treat I enjoyed this week was the telephone. Interesting toy, the telephone. I was lucky enough to speak with both of my Grandmothers with the phone. They apparently call and check on me quite a bit. So this time my parents let me handle things myself, and may I just say that it is about time. If they would have let me handle things myself from the beginning, we could have avoided much frustration.

Finally, my parents wanted me to tell everyone that I must be bulimic? I don’t know what this is but Mom and Dad do not like the fact that I spit up so much. I like to eat, and then I want my tummy aches to go away so I spit up what I don’t like. I think it is where I spit it up that they disagree with the most, but hey, my legs don’t work yet so I just let it go where I’m at. Mommy tells me that this is not Grandma Shank’s shirt painting class, but it works for me. Anyway, I guess we have to ask Dr. Tyson about this when we see her on Friday. Maybe then Dad will stop calling me spittle boy.


Jackson S. Shank,

February 20, 2003
Dear Friends and Family:

One month. How did I get back to one? I thought I was up to four? One day I am 4 weeks old and then the next moment I am 1 month old? Boy, just when you think your getting ahead in this world your knocked down a few notches. In more than just numbers, this describes the past week that my parents and I have had.

On Friday we visited Dr. Tyson again. Mommy and Daddy were happy that I finally regained my birth weight. But they were still concerned with my spitting up and Dr. Tyson told them something else. Apparently I am an acid reflux baby, whatever that is. Dr. Tyson says that my Esophagus is not completely developed, and I generate too much stomach acid besides. So now I get some drugs. To reduce my stomach acid, I get some Prevacid mixed with my milk in one of my feedings every day. That way, I have less kick back when I eat and not as much to spit up. Mom and Dad have been told by friends that this will go away when my Esophagus completely develops.

I also now get to sleep on my tummy now, which I have to say I really like. I enjoy snuggling face down on Mommy and Daddy’s chest. My parents like to call my favorite sleeping position the fetal beetle. This reference apparently has something to do with the fact that I like bringing my knees up to my chest when I’m in this position. Up until now, Dr. Tyson had advised us that back sleeping is the best approach in avoiding SIDS, and I could only do the fetal beetle when I was with my parents. Now I can sleep in the fetal beetle anytime I want.

The good news is my drugs seem to be working. I spit up less, which pleases Mom and Dad, and I sleep a lot more, which makes us all much happier. We went back to see Dr. Tyson at the end of the week I had gained 7 more ounces which puts me back on my weight track.

I also have what is called Thrush, it’s a bit of an infection in my throat brought about by bacteria. So now we have to keep my binkies extra clean, and Mommy hoses down my throat with antibiotic four times a day. Can you believe it; I am in to drugs already – so much for that.
My parents bought me a Valentines Day gift. I was given a Timex Stereo CD Clock Radio with Nature Sounds. I can now play all those CD’s I was given as gifts when I was born, and I can listen to the sounds of this mysterious world. Daddy hopes this will help with my crying too. He is so silly - I like to cry, ain’t nothing going to stop that.

Mommy and I had some great times this week. She showed me what my stroller is like. With the great weather we have been having here in Kansas City, Mommy and I have begun taking walks in the park together. She pushes me around, and I try and stay awake if I can.

Well, much has happened this week. Sorry you all were not here to experience it. I appreciate the phone calls and interest, and Daddy says that say thanks for all of the e-mails.
Yours truly,

Jackson S. Shank, Esquire

March 1, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Oh what a week it has been. I am 5 weeks old now and nothing is holding me back. My world is opening up to me and I am having a ball!

It all kind of started over the weekend. I could actually see Mom and Dad. I mean not just there faces, but I could see them. They were all excited because I would look at them when they called my name. This got old after a while of course. I mean seriously, its not like I can understand them anyway.

I haven’t been crying as much, nor have I been as in need of my binky. It makes a big difference when you can feel comfortable in your surroundings. You’re not scared as much, and the world just seems to make much more sense. I spend more time exploring now too. I sit with Mom much during the day and just try and take it all in. This is kind of a neat place when you’re not sleeping.

My upset stomach has really tapered off, and so that doesn’t bother me as much. Mommy tells me pretty soon I should be eating more at a time and therefore less often. I guess she is really looking forward to that for some reason?

Mommy and Daddy have also said something about my clothes not fitting as well already. I guess I am growing or something. Personally, I think Dad likes to use this as an excuse to tickle my belly button all the time. I really don’t care either as long as I am in my blanket.

Father has also taken great interest in my muscular awareness. He likes the fact that I can lift my head more on my own, but makes fun of me because I drool more now because of it. He is just never happy. We play a game now that I like a lot too; Father puts me in his lap and I use my legs to push myself up over his head. I like my legs, they are very useful for pushing the blanket off when I am warm, but also a favorite tickle spot for father the incorrigible wretch! My hands are also beginning to have purpose: Father showed me that I can hold the binky in my mouth on my own, I can hold on to other people who are holding onto me, and I have found that I like pulling Mommy’s hair. One must keep themselves occupied you know.

Well, it has been a very interesting week. I think Mother and Father appreciated it. They seem much happier this week all in all. I hope you all are doing fine. Rumor has it I will be meeting many of you over Easter. I am really looking forward to it.


Jackson S. Shank,


March 8, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Life is starting to pick up speed for me at 6 weeks. I am getting out of the house and seeing the world.

I am ten pounds now and 22.5 inches tall. I becoming fairly comfortable with my body using my limbs for everything I can think of. Kicking is still my favorite sport. I have father thinking I may be left-handed because I favor my left hand and leg more. I love to sit and just kick my left leg over and over again. Don’t know why, but it is just fun.

Last weekend, Mom Dad and I had our first family outing. We went to Target. Everybody got stuff, even me. We even picked up a birthday present for Grandpa. Mom and Dad said it is something he could use for the Fourth of July, whatever that is. But the whole event was a bit of a bore. I mean I slept through the whole thing really. Mom and Dad are getting adventurous from the plans I hear them making of stuff for us to do. I think I’ll wait until they get really brave before I throw my first public fit.

Today, Mom and I went and picked up Dad at his office so we could go take him to lunch. I got to meet several people Dad works with and see his office. We went with Aaron and Alison to Joe’s Crabshack. Lots of weird noises and lights at that place, and people singing too?

Apparently everyone had to have fish because it’s Lent so we went to Joe’s. Father said it would be good practice anyway for when Grandma and Grandpa Arnold came because they really like Joe’s and don’t have one in Illinois land.

I was able to talk with Grandma Shank for some time on the telephone this week too. She called this week right before Dad and I took a nap on the couch. I just happen to have a lot to say at that moment, and so it just kind of worked out.

Finally, Mom and Dad say that next weekend Grandma and Grandpa Arnold will come to visit and they will be bringing Uncle Rank with them. I look forward to seeing you all!


Jackson S. Shank,


March 15, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Wow, where to begin. So much has happened since I last wrote. And yes, Dad and I talked and we both decided it was better to switch to the Calendar week for sending out my letters. So some of you may have wonder if I forgot you, but your just not that lucky.

So I am 7 weeks old now, and nearly fully coherent. I keep a pretty close eye on my parents. Usually from my Boppy I can follow their movements throughout the immediate area, and I express my immediate dissatisfaction when they leave the room. I have told them before that being alone is not good for a man my age, but they still try and sneak away now and then.

I cannot begin to cover all of my out-of-the-house experiences. Mother and Father have just been going crazy with getting me out of the house. We went to UNO’s on the Plaza last Saturday. We all ate there. I was only one who spit up afterwards though? And Dad has never cared before that I spit up all over him? Afterwards, we went to Potterybarn Kids! Mommy and Daddy used their rebate check to buy me an Alphabet Abacus. I finally understand what Father means when he says I’m in the Baby Union. I never realized there were so many of us, and we all have strollers. At one point I tried to have a little fun with Mom & Dad by letting loose with a good cry. It backfired. I failed to realize that for every baby, there is a Mommy close by. They all immediately swarmed to me and told me how cute of a crier I was. Can you believe that, good grief.

On Sunday I was introduce to the congregation at the Methodist Church. Lots of nice people there. They all wanted to hold me, which is instant friendship in my book. They also put a Rose on the altar for me, and the minister had Dad tell everyone about me during the announcements.

On Thursday, we opened my college fund, whatever that is. Mommy and I met Dad at the Financial Planners office. I found the whole thing quite uncomfortable. They interrupted a perfectly good Truck nap to go into some silly office, but everyone said it was good for me.

On Friday, we took Dad to lunch again at his office. There were lots of people to meet there this time. Apparently Daddy got in trouble with some of the women in his office for not introducing me last week. So when these people found out I was there, they all came over to Dad’s office to see me. There was quite a crowd. It’s so good to be cute.

On Saturday, I gave Mom and Dad a break and played a lot with my Kick and Play. It’s the musical chair that my Uncle Frank & Uncle Aaron got me. I really like that thing. I can sit for a while and “play my instrument” as Dad says.

Also, Dad bought me a new computer this week. It’s a Dell. I expect to have complete working knowledge of it by the time I am 3 months old. After April 1, we will also have a family e-mail address: Hope to hear from you!


Jackson S. Shank,


March 23, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Here we go again with the age setbacks. Is it 2 months, or 8 weeks? I like being eight weeks, and so do my parents from the way they have been acting.

My visual and cognitive awareness are at an all time high. I see and recognize things and my parents much easier. I find comfort in this for the most part, and it has allowed me to be more demanding when I know I really want something. My parents really enjoy this in the mornings.
When I first wake up I have taken to the habit of smiling when I first see my parents and then giggling a bit. Mother and Father are just ecstatic about this, and always have one of those silly “Isn’t it wonderful moments,” and then break into silliness trying to stretch out the moment. They’re geeks, but aren’t all parents. The best part of this is that I giggle when I see them because they always have this ridiculous bed head in the mornings, especially father. You should see it, it’s so funny.

Speaking of sleeping, I am really starting to enjoy sleep. Which Mother and Father also really like for some reason. When I go out, I really do out too apparently. I can also sleep in just about any position. Dad tells me that I take after Grandma Arnold?

I have to ask you all a question, what is a “Chubba Wubba?” That is Mother’s new nickname for me. She says I am starting to put on my Baby Fat? Personally, I think I look good and I don’t care what she says.

On Friday, we skipped the usual take Dad to lunch thing and I went to H&R Block with Mom. Being the super planner that I am discovering Mom is, she arranged my visit to coincide with a large meeting that her department was having that day so I got to meet everyone at one time. This was much more effective than Dad’s method, but still a bit overwhelming.

On Sunday, being as it was so nice outside, Mom & Dad took me for a walk in Loose Park in the stroller. We got to see the ducks and geese in the pond, and there were lots of people out.
Well, it has been a relatively fast week. Hope to see you all soon!


Jackson S. Shank,

March 31, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Nine weeks, almost out of the single digits. I am so excited about the future, and looking forward to more.

On Tuesday, Mother took me to another H&R Block building to meet more people. I apparently have many fans, and it is a lot of work seeing them all.

My Grandma Shank came to visit this week, and she brought me a lot of great stuff. Lots of clothes and a name train among them. Grandma also gave me my first share of stock. I am now an official owner of the Walt Disney Company! Grandma and I had a great time. This week I discovered that I able string together the vocal sounds I make into continuous word like things. And Grandma loved this as she and I had many conversations. Daddy e-mailed many of you a picture of one of them.

I had a Doctor’s visit on Thursday. I weighed 13 lbs. 2 oz. now. Doctor Tyson agreed with Mother that I was plenty big. So now Mom and Dad don’t rush to feed me every 3 hours like I have come to appreciate. It’s a conspiracy I tell you. And I also got shots! No one told me I was going to get shots. Of course had they, I would have been much more reluctant to see Dr. Tyson. In fact, if this is something that continues, I may have to suggest to Mother we find another doctor, one that does not give shots. I can’t imagine anyone liking those awful things.

Mom and Dad took me to the Credit Union on Saturday so I could open a savings account. I opened a Max the Money Bunny account for my piggy bank money. I get Max bucks for each $5 I deposit that helps me buy cool kids stuff. In April, they are having a party for all account holders to get registered and finger printed with the police department. I guess that will be fun?
On Saturday evening we had friends over to the house. I got to spend time with my buds Teanne and Martha. They both love to snuggle and so do I.

Sunday was Mother’s birthday. Dad and I woke her in the morning and we sang her Happy Birthday. I became quickly bored with this. While Mommy spent time opening Daddy’s gift, I have to admit I was much more entertained by the ceiling fan. Have you all seen those things, they’re great! They’re like a mobile for adults. I can’t wait until I get bigger.

Well, I have had a fun week, and I hope you did too. Dad wants me to ask everyone to let him know if you want video or pictures e-mailed to you. (He has been playing with my computer obviously.) Hope to see you all soon!


Jackson S. Shank,

April 8, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Ten weeks. I am finally into double digits. Ten is a cool number don’t you think. I do.
I find myself being more vocal these days. In fact, I don’t mind sharing my opinions about any topic if you want to know the truth. Mother and Father appear quite startled by this at times. They will be in the middle of doing whatever they occupy their time with, and I will just comment on whatever comes to mind. They then take quite an interest in me for some reason. Of course by then the thought has passed and I have moved on to other things.

I had my first date this week. A friend of Mom & Dad’s, Alison Berry, hung out with me on Thursday for a while so they could go on a date too. They went to a wine tasting with Daddy’s club.

Alison came over and we played some. I showed her how much I like my rattle socks. They help my feet make noise, and I like that. Daddy calls me the kicker, because I like to kick a lot. Then I took a nap. Alison is very nice. I have written about her before.

On Friday, I was pretty much sick all day. I had a Tummy Ache. Mommy and I hung out on the couch all day I slept as much as I could. It was not very fun.

Over the weekend Mom & Dad took to CostCo and Target to shop for my school list. Mommy keeps telling me about the Baby School I will have to start going to April 14th. Mom says she has to go back to work. I am not sure why she would want to do that but she seems fairly determined.

While we were out shopping I finally got to see what some things were all about. At Target I kind of was having, well gas, and so I told Dad he needed to pick me up carry me for awhile. In his arms I had a much better perspective of the store, and I realized something new: There are a lot of people in the world. I did not realize there were so many of us. Did you all know that? I was amazed, and I couldn’t help but just stare at them. I hope they didn’t mind.

Well, I have had an interesting week. Dad says he hopes you all enjoyed the pictures that were sent, and he promises more in the future. Easter is coming up in two weeks. We travel to Quincy on Good Friday. I will be with the Shank Family on Saturday, and will see the Arnolds and Ehrhardts on Sunday. We will return to Kansas City on Monday. I look forward to seeing you all soon!


Jackson S. Shank,

April 15, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Eleven weeks, Almost 3 months. Here we go again with the single digits again. But three months sounds kind of cool. Who knows, I may like it?

Well, I could best describe this week with one word: Sleep. That is really about all I did, but I did it just about everywhere I could.

Dad and I had a wonderful moment early in the week (when I wasn’t asleep). We have tummy time every once in a while. Dad wants to make sure I get my exercise. My goal when I do tummy time is be able to raise my head up and look around while on my stomach. Well this time I was working at it real hard. I was determined. And then, after really struggling, I was able to do it. I raised my head up and looked around. And that’s when I saw Dad smiling at me. I smiled back, I had too. I was so proud of myself, and I was glad Dad was there to see it because he was proud of me too.

Mother and father introduced me to something new this week, sun bathing. I have to admit, I rather like it. It suits me. Not much work involved, and you can sleep whenever you like. Plus, one of my favorite things happen, you get a soft steady breeze in your face the whole time. I love that! Anyway, with the nice weather we have been having, Mom and Dad want to spend more time outside. They use these odd looking machines, which make a lot of noise, and they walk around in circles in the yard holding them. Parents are so weird. Anyway, while they were dancing with the grass, I enjoyed the beauty of the sunshine. Backyard, front yard, under the tree; I was everywhere.

On Sunday, Mom and Dad bravely tried to take me to church for the second time. We should have a moment of silence at this point to take pity on them. How silly my parents can be and how unfortunate they forgot how warm it could get in the church when the air isn’t turned on during service on a warm day. My father, proud of me as he is, wanted to hold me throughout the church service. Because I do love him, I gave him a small break. I waited until he took me outside for a cool down before I vomited all over the front of his shirt. This made for entertaining conversation at the bake potato lunch the church threw after the service.

After the service Mom, Dad, and I went to visit my friend Teanne who is in the hospital after having some surgery. I have written about her before. When I was much younger, she came over and spent the day with me so Mommy could get some sleep. We went up to her room so I could give her a big hug, and we snuggled for a while. She is really nice, and I hope she gets better soon.

Well, I have had a rather simple week. Other than these notable events, I slept all week. I am up to 6-8 hours a night and I still take several naps during the day. Look forward to seeing the family this weekend in Quincy!


Jackson S. Shank,


There was no letter the 12th week. :(

April 28, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Can you believe it, I missed a week? Well, I was able to see most of you face to face last week anyway, and well, I was sick last week too. I have an ear infection. Yes, I’m now the kid with the cotton ball earplugs. Personally, I don’t think they do a thing for my cuteness, so I am eager to see them go. However, the experience has increased my popularity at the pharmacy.

I was so glad to meet many of you at Easter. I had no idea I had so many Cousins. I’m still not really sure what a Cousin is but I don’t care. And Aunts and Uncles for days, my word. I have a huge family. I always wondered where Mommy and Daddy came from? Everyone was so kind, and I like that you appreciate how much I like to be held. I was able to speak to some of you, which was really neat.

On the Saturday of Easter weekend I spent time with the Shank Family. Lots of people, and many of them look like Father. It was weird. Grandma hosted a dinner, and we sat around a pair of big tables. Being the young socialite that I am, I worked my way from lap to lap trying to spend time with as many people as I could. Before dinner though, I had an extraordinary experience that I should mention. Grandma has a creature living in her house called a dog. Have you folks heard of dogs? They are very fury, and like to talk. This dog is named Button, and Button was probably more curious about me than I was about her. Button licked my face! Twice! Daddy asked her to limit this to my hands in the future. Button was almost as suave a socialite at dinner as I was, however she kept trying to get from laps to the table for some reason and so people kept putting her back on the floor poor thing. Next time I will have to show her a few of my tricks.

On Easter Sunday I spent the day with the Arnold Family. Lots of people, again. And another big dinner. What is it with that anyway? But by now, as you can imagine, my lap maneuver was in high gear. And I really have to admit I’ve got the ladies wrapped around my finger. I always look around the room till I find Dad, and then I give him the look. He knows I’ve got it going on.
There was also another dog at this dinner named Leo, who lives with my Uncle Frank. Apparently dogs are a standard addition to a large meal? Leo was rather standoffish and so I was not able to get a feel for him. At a certain point, I have to admit, I reached the end of my partying rope and I passed out. Several hours later I did get up to play some with Grandma.
On that note, I wanted to take a moment and just say that I had a blast with all my Grandmas that weekend. We played and played, and had so much fun. They all gave me lots of clothes and stuffed animals, and I thank them for all that. But what is most important is the time I was able to spend with them. I love them all, and Grandpa too!

It was on our way back to Kansas City on Monday that my ear infection got really bad. I repeatedly tried to convince my parents to pull over and end my pain to no avail. I tried to convince them of this for all 4 hours of the trip home. Then on Tuesday night I was in real pain. I made Mom and Dad hold me all night long. Surprise, that got their attention, and on Wednesday morning Daddy took me to sick call at the Dr. Tyson’s office. That experience I would avoid again forevermore. I was poked, prodded, and felt in places that I didn’t know were places. But in the end they were smart enough to figure out my problem. I also had a fever to boot. They gave me medicine at the office that made me feel better. Then Daddy spent the rest of the day with me at home giving me my treatments. Poor Dad though, he was sick too. So when Mommy came home she put both her boys to bed and made us feel better.

This past weekend we had some visitors from Quincy. Mom’s Uncle Tom and Aunt Joe brought my cousin Katie to her dance recital here in Kansas City. Another one of my cousins, Andrea came along as well. We all got to spend time together while Mom & Dad showed off the work they had done on the house.

I wanted to also say thanks to my friends Michael and Tari Parmely. They gave me a gift a few weeks back, which was something, I already had. Well, this weekend Mom & Dad took me to Babies R’ Us and we traded that in on a swing. I really like the swings they have at Baby School, and so I wanted Michael and Tari to know how much I appreciate that. Mom and Dad also think its great because they now can eat dinner together at the table? They should just stick to bottles they’re much less hastle.

Well, I am 13 weeks old now. I talk all the time to my parents. We have no idea what each other are saying though. Someone said that wouldn’t change for years? But I really like it when Mom and Dad repeat what the sounds I make. We can go back and forth for some time when we get rolling.


Jackson S. Shank,


There was no letter the 14th week. :(

May 6, 2003
Dear Family & Friends:

Can you believe it, I missed another week? I do apologize. Know however that it is because I have yet to kick my cold, and it is hard to write when you’re sick. That has really been it for me for a while. I could entitle this letter, “Life with the bulb syringe,” but that would be ecky.

Yesterday was a great Mother’s Day. Dad and I took Mom out for brunch at Tomfooleries on the Plaza. Mom and Dad stuffed themselves on the buffet ( I ate before we left). It was a neat experience. There were lots of color and light for me to check out, and a consistent level of ambient noise in the background to help me fall a sleep. So I did, and what a wonderful nap it was. Mommy told me it was the best Mother’s Day I could have given her, and our waiter told me how well behaved I was. (Must be at your best on Mother’s Day you know!)

I have been talking more and more. I am discovering that not everyone and everything respond to me like I wish. One peep of anything, and my parents come running. But my mobiles don’t listen to me at all. It’s very disconcerting. The birds and the trees talk some, but I never feel like we are truly conversing? Some of you may not think trees talk, but they do. I like trees. I am glad that my parents understand this because they let me spend time with trees. After Mommy’s brunch yesterday, we walked around the plaza and I introduced myself to all the trees. That was fun.

On Saturday the P’s and I went to a party. And the lap attack was back on man. Everyone wanted to hold the baby! There was even another little boy there named Zachary. Zachary is 21 months old and walks on his own. He was not very lap oriented? After I set the pace, he kind of wanted to join in. The early bird got the worm though!

While shopping on Mother’s Day, we used the gift card Aunt Joe and Uncle Tom got me to buy a Royals Outfit for this summer. Dad wants me ready at the game to get my picture taken with Sluggerr.

Not much else to tell really. I spend time at day care hanging with my friend Mitch. We watch people together. When I am at home, I either play with my P’s or watch Dad work in the yard. Other than that I am just trying to kick my cold. I will be in Illinois over Memorial Day weekend. Dad and Grandpa are going to play with some fish, so I am taking the ladies out for a fun filled weekend. Hope to see all whom I can there!


Jackson S. Shank,


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